Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging app officially or mainly for the Facebook often called as a messenger in short form, it was developed by the Facebook Chat in 2008, and the developer started its service by 2010, and the app for released for Android and iOS in August 2011.
As the Facebook app doesn’t support the messaging without the messenger you must have Facebook messenger on your phone to use the Facebook app. Messenger users can send and receive photos, videos, emoji’s, audio files, self-recorded clips, text messages. You can also do voice and video calling if the person you want to call or video chat have the messenger installed in the device or must be using the Facebook on the PC.
App Info
App Name
Facebook Messenger
Instant Messaging app
Release date
9th August 2011
Facebook Chat
Android, iOS, web, Blackberry OS, Windows Phone
1-Type the friend name or phone number to find him/her.
2- You can connect to anyone around the globe you can use the app at any platform or device.
3- Share messages, texts, videos.
4- Call by audio or video call in the messenger.
5- Can make a group or converse in the group more effectively.
6- You can customize your chats the color of the chat can even give a nickname to the person you want.
7- Talk in the group even with the video call for free over the Wi-Fi network.
8- Send a huge variety of emoji’s, GIF’s, Stickers even add the new masks to your video chat while chatting in the group or personally to someone.
9- Can share the photo’s directly clicking by the messenger and add effects to it by the filters available in the messenger itself.rank list is given to you comparing the result with other people.
11- Messenger has a feature added that is that let us share photo or video in story format like Instagram and snap chat.
12-Hold on the message you receive you can react on the message.
13- Chat heads are available that is if you are not using the app, then you get the chat heads at the top right corner with the DP encircled.
14-This app can also be used for the texting to your friend or anyone online.
How to install messenger?
Step 1: Go to Play Store.
Step 2: Search for Messenger.
Step 3: Install the app.
Step 4: Launch the messenger.
Step 5: the Welcome page of the messenger comes now, choose if you have logged in with the Facebook app in the device then continue as the option comes.
Step 6: Now the option comes to text anyone from the phone.
Step 7: Now add the number you want to use with the messenger (it is optional).
Step 8: Next step come whether you want to use the messenger as the default app for messaging.
Step 9: Now the app opens you can chat with your friends.
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